Free resources related to nature-based early childhood education

Recommended books for nature-based educators
Are you looking for professional development resources related to nature-based education? Here’s a list to get your started. We’ve grouped the titles below by those relevant to all nature-based educators and titles focused on specific age-levels.

Nature-based learning environments: What every early childhood leader needs to know
This webinar, presented by Dr. Rachel Larimore, helps early childhood administrators address the unique considerations for designing a nature-based classroom—Inside, Outside & Beyond.

Soundscapes: Noticing the sounds of nature
I often think of that quote in Spring when the natural world seems to get louder and louder with bird song, frog calls, insects, and so forth. Each of these sounds tells a story and, if we pay attention, the sounds connect us to place.

Sit spot to rejuvenation
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she introduces sit spots and explains how they can be an opportunity for rejuvenation.

The power of video
In this era of seemingly endless isolation and disconnection, video is a way to re-connect!

Comparison is a thief
Thinking about marketing led me to reflecting on a quote by Theodore Roosevelt: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I agree with Teddy. I also think comparison robs our profession of respect and reputation.

Resolve to focus on assets
The new year brings about thoughts of goal setting and resolutions. With the mention of goals/resolutions, most media messages focus on how we’re not good enough. Please don’t “should” on yourself.

Limited by our own understanding
Our teaching is limited by our own understanding and language. Of course, it’s impossible to know everything about everything. Yet, we CAN remain curious and interested.

Awe, wonder, & a moment of delight
I encourage you to think about WHY you take children Beyond the designated play area. Ask yourself how the structure and activities of time in the Beyond are supporting your goals. Is there time and space for children to experience awe, wonder, confusion, curiosity, interest, and/or surprise?

Indoor plants are important too!
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she talks about the importance of indoor plants and how to incorporate them in your classroom in authentic ways.

Planning for emergent curriculum
All too often I hear people talk about emergent curriculum as though it's a free for all with no planning involved at all. Not true!

What is a nature-based preschool?
In this video Dr. Rachel A. Larimore, Founder and Chief Visionary of Samara Early Learning, describes the broad concept of nature-based early childhood education and nature-based preschools specifically.

Sorting out the terms and concepts within Nature-based Early Childhood Education
There are so many terms! This document will walk you through the many terms and concepts within nature-based early childhood education.

Overcoming the challenges of integrating nature into the early childhood classroom
This free 1-hour webinar focuses on the many challenges of implementing nature-based education and how to overcome those challenges.

Respecting the in-between seasons
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she discusses how to make the most of the in-between seasons: spring and fall.