Free resources related to nature-based early childhood education

We’re not separate
The core teaching of Nature-based early childhood education (NbECE) is that the learning isn’t just IN nature or ABOUT nature, but is a relationship between nature and the child. That’s why we use the phrase “learning WITH nature.”

Enjoying the easy weather
As the weather gets “easier,” I encourage you to spend even more of your day outdoors. Establishing a clear routine and a rich learning space will make the experience much, much better for everyone!

Opportunity shop
Opportunity shops (also known as thrift shops, resale shops, etc.) are one of my favorite places to shop for nature-based early childhood play supplies.

The power of 1 peach tree
A home provider recently shared this story with me about the peach tree in her backyard. She went on to describe the pure joy the children experienced in eating the peaches they had watched for so long, and I want to share it with you now.

Connecting the learning across all three spaces
You’ve heard me talk about the three spaces of the Inside, Outside, and Beyond. While the spaces themselves are important, what brings nature-based pedagogy to life is how we use those spaces.

Still the classroom
By considering the types of play opportunities available, we can shift toward the outdoor play space truly serving as an extension of the classroom where teachers are as engaged in supporting children’s play as they are indoors.

Defining nature-based preschools
In this article published by the International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, Rachel Larimore reflects on a few of the program terms currently being discussed among early childhood environmental education professionals.

Nurture in nature: Getting started with nature-based learning
Nurture in Nature is a blog series hosted by Kaplan Early Learning. In this article Dr. Rachel A. Larimore provides practical advice for creating outdoor learning spaces. While the idea may sound intimidating, she makes it simple.

Using principles of nature-based preschools to transform your classroom
In this article in NAEYC’s Young Children, Rachel Larimore explains how teachers can use principles of nature-based education to transform their classrooms.

Respecting the in-between seasons
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she discusses how to make the most of the in-between seasons: spring and fall.