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Trillium Montessori: Montessori & Ecological Consciousness Summit

Join us for a groundbreaking virtual summit on June 17-19, 2024 that brings together experts, scientists, activists, and educators to explore how Montessori principles and pedagogy can nurture ecological consciousness in children and cultivate a generation of sustainability leaders.

Whether you're a school leader pioneering sustainability initiatives, a classroom guide seeking to ignite ecological consciousness, or an education reformer dedicated to shaping future generations, this summit will equip you with insights and strategies to create lasting impact. 

Samara Early Learning’s Dr. Rachel Larimore will present Tiny Changes, Big Impact: Demystifying Nature Integration on day 2 of the summit. Learn how simple classroom adjustments can yield significant results.

Whether or not you use the Montessori approach in your classroom, there is sure to be great professional learning at the Summit! We hope you’ll attend.

Samara Early Learning is an affiliate of this summit and will receive a small payout with each registration at no additional cost to you.

June 12

The Grove Focused Call: Nurturing brain development using nature and classroom design with Dr. Kathryn Murray

June 27

The Grove Drop-in Office Hour with Rachel